Cycle training in Wirral

M Callaghan

5/5/20233 min read


BikeRight is a provider of bikeability training in the Liverpool city region, offering a range of courses for both individuals and schools. In this blog post, we will explore the services offered by BikeRights, with a particular focus on their work with Wirral schools. Bikeability training is a program that teaches people how to cycle safely on the road. It is designed to equip people with the knowledge and skills they need to cycle confidently, no matter what the road conditions or traffic might be like.

Bikeability Training in Wirral

BikeRights is a provider of bikeability training in the Liverpool city region, offering a range of courses for both individuals and schools. In this blog post, we will explore the services offered by BikeRight, with a particular focus on their work with Wirral schools. Bikeability training is a program that teaches people how to cycle safely on the road. It is designed to equip people with the knowledge and skills they need to cycle confidently, no matter the road conditions or traffic

BikeRight was founded with the aim of promoting cycling as a safe, sustainable, and enjoyable form of transport. They believe cycling is a crucial way to reduce congestion, improve air quality and promote physical activity. However, they also recognize that many people are put off cycling due to safety concerns. That's why they offer bikeability training to help people feel confident and safe on their bikes.

One of BikeRights' key areas of work is with schools in the Wirral area. They offer a range of bikeability courses to primary and secondary schools, helping to promote cycling as a healthy and sustainable way to travel to school. By providing bikeability training, BikeRight aims to increase the number of children who cycle to school, which has a range of benefits for both the individual and the wider community.

BikeRights' school courses are tailored to the needs of each school and their students. They offer Level 1, 2, and 3 bikeability courses, which cover everything from basic bike control skills to advanced road safety. Their instructors are fully trained and accredited by Bikeability, ensuring that all training is delivered to a high standard. In addition to the standard courses, BikeRight also offers "Bikeability Plus" training, which focuses on specific cycling skills such as riding in traffic or cycling in a group.

BikeRights’ work with schools has been very successful, with many schools reporting an increase in the number of students cycling to school after completing the training. This is a great result, as it helps to reduce congestion around schools and promotes physical activity among children. Additionally, cycling to school has been shown to have a positive impact on academic performance, as well as improving mental health and wellbeing.

In addition to their work with schools, BikeRight also offers bikeability training to individuals. They offer a range of courses to suit all abilities, from complete beginners to experienced cyclists. Their courses are delivered by experienced instructors, who are able to provide one-to-one support and advice.

One of the most popular courses offered by BikeRight is the "Fix and Ride" course. This is a half-day course that teaches participants how to fix basic bike problems, such as punctures and brake adjustments. The course also covers basic bike maintenance, such as cleaning and lubricating the chain. By teaching participants how to fix their own bikes, BikeRight aims to promote cycling as a more affordable and sustainable form of transport.

The "Fix and Ride" course is suitable for all ages and abilities, and is a great way to improve confidence and independence when cycling. Participants are provided with all the necessary tools and equipment, and the course is delivered in a friendly and supportive environment.

Overall, BikeRight is an excellent provider of bikeability training in the Liverpool city region. Their work with Wirral schools has been particularly successful, with many schools reporting an increase in the number of students cycling to school after completing the training. Their individual courses are also very popular, with the "Fix and Ride" course being a great way to learn how to fix basic bike problems and promote cycling as a more affordable and sustainable form of transport.

If you're interested in taking part in a BikeRight course, you can find more information on their website. They offer a range of courses to suit all abilities and ages